EXOTIC Dual tone Hand/Sling bag
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- Delivered today (order Mon-Fri before 12:00, delivery between 17:00 and 22:00)
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- Product Dimensions (Inch)- 11.5X 4.5 X 9, Closure Type – This hobo bag comes with a long removable and adjustable shoulder strap, which can be used as a women shoulder bag or hobo cross-body bag for women/Girls.
- OCCASION : This latest Hand Bags Hobos bag is perfect for effortless style for an evening out, art shows, coffee meet ups, college, work, beach and festivals. And don’t forget to bring this purse with you for those romantic island vacations and weekend getaways.
- GIFT PURPOSE : Makes a lovely gift for daughters going off to college, girlfriends, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and special moments. Keep stylish.
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